Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fitness Terminology Explained

When I am training clients I refer to certain "fitness" terms that not every client understands. Recently I came across this list in one of my fitness magazines and I thought it would be a good idea to share it.

Anaerobic Exercise - A high-intensity activity (like sprinting or heavy weightlifting), usually performed for fewer than two minutes, that uses phosphates and glycogen-instead of oxygen-as fuel.  It ups speed, power, strength and endurance while torching calories.

Compound Exercise - A movement that occurs at several joints, working multiple muscle groups.  Think squats, which involve bending the ankles, knees and hips to target the hamstrings, quads and glutes.

Drop Sets - A technique that involves starting an exercise with the heaviest weight you can lift, then decreasing the load with each set.

High-Intensity Interval Training - Alternating short bursts of exercise at a very challenging effort level with periods of recovery at a moderate one.  It boosts endurance and burns the greatest number of calories in the least amount of time.

Plyometrics - Quick, explosive moves-such as jumping-that increase muscle strength and power while blasting calories.

Superset - A set of two exercises done back-to-back, without rest in between.  These moves can work opposing muscle groups-like biceps curls and triceps kickbacks-or the same body part.

Target Heart Rate - The beats per minute you should aim for during cardio exercise, based on your intended exertion level.  For low-intensity exercise, shoot for 50 to 60 percent of your heart rate max: for moderate: 60 to 80 percent; and at a high intensity, between 80 and 90 percent.

*Subtract your age from 220 to get your estimated heart rate-the most beats per minute your heart can safely reach during exercise.

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